At the TRUSTECH 2023 conference, Chahine HAMILA, the E-government Senior Advisor at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), shed light on the innovative DGIT programme aimed at transforming digital governance. The DGIT programme, initially focused on identity-related projects, has evolved into a comprehensive initiative integrating various aspects of e-governance within UNDP.
Chahine HAMILA emphasized the significance of an integrated approach encompassing project management, procurement, policy formulation, and technical solutions in driving successful e-governance initiatives. One notable aspect highlighted was UNDP's unparalleled capability to establish complete identity biometric registries in countries with low population registration rates, achieving 100% coverage within months.

Key to UNDP's success is its robust software tech stack, which Chahine HAMILA emphasized is not merely a software solution but a comprehensive stack covering different areas such as identity registries, justice, health, and finance. This tech stack, developed within UNDP, forms the backbone of its digital transformation endeavors.

A pivotal development in advancing digital governance is UNDP's partnership with OSIA, focusing on establishing open standards. Chahine HAMILA stressed the importance of UNDP's involvement in setting these standards to reflect its vast experience and ensure interoperability and vendor neutrality in procurement practices.

Central to UNDP's procurement strategy are two key variables: value for money and avoiding vendor lock-in. Open standards play a crucial role in enabling flexibility and preventing dependency on specific vendors, whether open source or proprietary.

Through its collaboration with OSIA, UNDP aims to leverage its DGIT tech stack as a reference implementation for OSIA standards, facilitating interoperability and integration with various vendors' solutions. By making the DGIT tech stack a digital public good, UNDP aims to accelerate procurement processes, enhance vendor independence for partner governments, and foster a standardized approach to digital governance.

Furthermore, the initiative seeks to mitigate the risks associated with divergent implementations of standards, ensuring seamless communication and compatibility across systems.

In summary, UNDP's DGIT programme exemplifies a holistic approach to digital governance, leveraging innovative technology, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to open standards to drive sustainable and inclusive development worldwide. As digital transformation continues to reshape governance paradigms, initiatives like DGIT pave the way for a more transparent, efficient, and responsive public sector.