TRUSTECH is honoured to be the host of the inaugural Sustainable and Interoperable Identity Hub (SIDI Hub) Summit.

What is the SIDI Hub and why is it unique?

The major third-sector open-standard organizations active on digital ID from across EU, US and Canada representing a 1000+ companies get together to foster collaborative thinking and further drive and operationalize interoperability at scale in the digital ID space. This is a first!

With the participation of Governments and Multilateral Organizations’ Representatives from all over the world, the Inaugural Summit is a comprehensive hands-on workshop for an actionable demonstration of global interoperability via standards based on meaningful use cases. It will address interoperability at both, technical and framework level.

Sponsored by Global Platform, Open ID Foundation and Secure Identity Alliance.

With the support of:

Accountable Digital Identity Association (ADIA), Better Identity Coalition, DIACC, Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), FIDO, Global Platform, Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), IDPro, Kantara, Oasis Open, Open Identity Exchange (OIX), OpenID Foundation, Secure Identity Alliance (SIA)/ OSIA, Trust Over IP, World Privacy Forum.

What are the SIDI Hub’s mission and objectives?

The identity community collectively recognizes the importance of solving the global digital identity infrastructure, and the risks that our current fragmentated approach poses. Some countries or regions may have a strong strategy, but there is unlikely to be a single standard, country or company that will define the global approach. In this context has been launched a project called SIDI Hub looking at achieving the following five objectives:

  • Define a blueprint for digital ID architecture configurations that converge to a globally interoperable public infrastructure
  • Develop a shared roadmap for missing standards, threat mitigations, and capacity building
  • Promote and enable privacy-preserving and user-consent based sharing of identity information
  • Identity and commit to green best practices when developing standards
  • Organize a summit to gather governments and experts inputs, and address technical and governance issues that cross entities

Who will attend the SIDI Hub Summit?

  • Confirmed Governments:

Australia, Belgium, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Guinée, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, RDC, Rwanda, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Uganda, UK, USA (NIST, Treasury, DHS)

  • Confirmed Multilaterals, standards bodies, development organizations and academic institutions:

AFNOR, ENISA, ETSI, IAB, ICAO, ID4Africa, IETF, ISO, ITU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), OECD, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, UNCHR, UNDP, University of Stuttgart, UNICEF, W3C, World Bank.

  • Confirmed Non-Profit Organizers:

Accountable Digital Identity Association (ADIA), Better Identity Coalition, DIACC, Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), FIDO, Global Platform, Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), IDPro, Kantara, Oasis Open, Open Identity Exchange (OIX), OpenID Foundation, Secure Identity Alliance (SIA)/ OSIA, Trust Over IP, World Privacy Forum.

How to attend the SIDI Hub Summit?

The SIDI Hub Summit is by invitation only.

Nonetheless, every TRUSTECH participant can assist to a global wrap-up at the ‘ID for Governments: The Era of trust frameworks’ conference on Wednesday November 29th at 17:20.

Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director of GlobalPlatform, Gail Hodges, Executive Director of OIDF, Debora Comparin, Technical Director of SIA will share feedback of the Sustainable Interoperable Identity Hub Inaugural Summit during a round-table. YOUR FREE BADGE